Skinderma Organic

Turmeric, Charcoal & Honey


This particular soap bar was made using the cold process method, from scratch making them better for acne, dark spots , helping in soothing and calming  skin.


Activated Charcoal is a natural deep pore cleanser, removing toxins and impurities and dead skin cells that give life to acne because of the buildup of oil and impurities that get trapped inside the pores in your skin. The result of Activated Charcoal  is smooth, supple and even toned skin.

Turmeric Powder reduces redness, calms skin conditions, helps to even out dark spots, and  keeping impurities from spreading which in turn reduces acne and dry skin. 

Honey has lots of great properties, so it gets rid of dirt and impurities, perfect for that preventing and treating acne. It's full of antioxidants and boost the collagen production, and let's not forget it's extremely moisturizing and hydrates even the driest skin by preventing aging and boosting glow.


Ingredients: Organic Virgin Olive oil, Unrefined Shea Butter, Organic Safflower oil, organic Coconut oil, Organic Vitamin E oil, Distilled Water, Sodium Hydroxide, Organic Turmeric, Organic Activated Charcoal, Organic Honey.

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